
Offener Kurs „Thesis Defense Training“ (EN)

Termin noch nicht bekannt
Preis: 350 € inkl. 19% Mehrwertsteuer
(Zahlung per Überweisung nach Anmeldung)

This online course is designed to prepare doctoral students optimally for their thesis defense. In the first part of the course the participants get practical tips for their introductory presentation: how to structure the presentation, how to build up the central argument, what language to use, etc.

The second part of the course deals with typical problems that occur during the discussion: How to respond to criticism and „killer-questions“, how to deal with stage fright and black-outs, etc. In the third part of the workshop, participants get the chance to practice their presentation and to receive feedback from the group and from the trainer.

Course Info

Course Contents

  • how to structure the thesis defense presentation
  • how to build a sound argumentation in the presentation
  • the opening of the presentation
  • how to respond to difficult questions
  • presentations from participants


  • You give a convincing and well-structured presentation.
  • You respond adequately to difficult questions.
  • You are confident and well prepared for the thesis defense.

Group Size

5 to 10 participants

Individual Coaching

After the course participants have the chance to schedule an individual appointment with the trainer to discuss their topic in more detail.

Course Schedule

1st course day

09:00 – 11:30

The opening of the thesis defense presentation
How to structure the thesis defense presentation
11:30 – 12:15
Early Lunch Break
12:15 – 14:00How to build a sound argumentation
Application to participants‘ topics

2nd course day

09:00 – 11:00

Rhetoric and presentation techniques
Mini-introductory presentations from participants
11:00 – 11:30
11:30 – 13:00

How to respond to difficult questions
How to handle nervousness
General tips for your preparation
13:00 – 14:00
Lunch Break
14:00 – 15:00Full presentations from one or two particiants
(thesis defense simulation)

About the trainer

Dr. Malte Engel studied philosophy, psychology and English. In 2010 he finished his PhD at the Berlin School of Mind and Brain with a thesis on “Cognitive Capacities as a Basis of Moral Responsibility”. In 2012 he started teaching courses on critical reasoning and logic and founded the Institute of Competence in Argumentation.

Get to know the team


    Termin noch nicht bekannt
    Preis: 350 € inkl. 19% Mehrwertsteuer
    (Zahlung per Überweisung nach Anmeldung)